Source code for trojmiastopl.offer

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import datetime as dt
import logging
import re

import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

from trojmiastopl.utils import get_content_for_url

    from __builtin__ import unicode
except ImportError:
    unicode = lambda x, *args: x

log = logging.getLogger(__file__)

[docs]def get_title(offer_markup): """ Searches for offer title on offer page :param offer_markup: Class "title-wrap" from offer page markup :type offer_markup: str :return: Title of offer or None if there is no title :rtype: str, None :except: Returns None when couldn't find title of offer page. """ html_parser = BeautifulSoup(offer_markup, "html.parser") try: return html_parser.find(id="ogl-title").text.strip() except AttributeError: return
[docs]def get_img_url(offer_markup): """ Searches for images in offer markup :param offer_markup: Id "gallery" from offer page markup :type offer_markup: str :return: Images of offer in list :rtype: list """ html_parser = BeautifulSoup(offer_markup, "html.parser") images = html_parser.find_all(class_="fancybox") output = [] for img in images: output.append(img.attrs["href"]) return output
[docs]def parse_region(offer_markup): """ Parses region information :param offer_markup: Class "sidebar" from offer page markup :type offer_markup: str :return: Region of offer :rtype: dict """ html_parser = BeautifulSoup(offer_markup, "html.parser") parsed_address = html_parser.find(class_="address").find(class_="dd").contents output = {"voivodeship": "Pomorskie", "city": None, "district": None} output["city"] = str(parsed_address[0]).replace("\xa0", "") # Just city if len(parsed_address) == 1: output["address"] = output["city"] return output district_parser = BeautifulSoup(str(parsed_address[1]), "html.parser") district = district_parser.find("a") # City, district, street if district is not None and len(parsed_address) > 2: output["district"] = district.text output["address"] = "{0}, {1}, {2}".format( output["city"], output["district"], str(parsed_address[3]).replace("\xa0", "") ) # City, district elif district is not None: output["district"] = district.text output["address"] = "{0}, {1}".format( output["city"], output["district"] ) # City, street else: output["address"] = "{0}, {1}".format(output["city"], str(parsed_address[2]).replace("\xa0", "")) return output
[docs]def get_month_num_for_string(value): """ Map for polish month names :param value: Month value :type value: str :return: Month number :rtype: int """ value = value.lower()[:3] return { 'sty': 1, 'lut': 2, 'mar': 3, 'kwi': 4, 'maj': 5, 'cze': 6, 'lip': 7, 'sie': 8, 'wrz': 9, 'paź': 10, 'lis': 11, 'gru': 12, }.get(value)
[docs]def parse_date_to_timestamp(date): """ Parses string date to unix timestamp :param date: Date :type date: str :return: Unix timestamp :rtype: int """ date_parts = date.split(' ') month = get_month_num_for_string(date_parts[1]) year = int(date_parts[2]) day = int(date_parts[0]) date_added = dt.datetime(year=year, day=day, month=month) return int((date_added - dt.datetime(1970, 1, 1)).total_seconds())
[docs]def parse_dates_and_id(offer_markup): """ Searches for date of creating and date of last update of an offer. Additionally parses offer id number. :param offer_markup: Class "sidebar" from offer page markup :type offer_markup: str :return: Date added and date updated if found and offer id (id, added, updated) :rtype: dict """ html_parser = BeautifulSoup(offer_markup, "html.parser") parsed_details = html_parser.find_all("li") output = {"updated": None} for detail in parsed_details: if "numer" in detail.text: output["id"] = detail.span.text elif "wprowadzenia" in detail.text: output["added"] = parse_date_to_timestamp(detail.span.text) elif "aktualizacja" in detail.text: output["updated"] = parse_date_to_timestamp(detail.span.text) return output
[docs]def get_surface(offer_markup): """ Searches for surface in offer markup :param offer_markup: Class "sidebar" from offer page markup :type offer_markup: str :return: Surface or None if there is no surface :rtype: float, None :except: When there is no offer surface it will return None """ html_parser = BeautifulSoup(offer_markup, "html.parser") try: surface = html_parser.sup.parent.previous_sibling return float(surface.replace("m2", "").strip().replace(",", ".").replace(" ", "")) except AttributeError: return
[docs]def get_apartment_type(offer_markup): """ Searches for apartment type in offer markup :param offer_markup: Class "sidebar" from offer page markup :type offer_markup: str :return: Apartment type :rtype: str """ html_parser = BeautifulSoup(offer_markup, "html.parser") return html_parser.find(class_="rodzaj_nieruchomosci").find(class_="dd").text.strip()
[docs]def get_available_from(offer_markup): """ Searches for available from in offer markup :param offer_markup: Class "sidebar" from offer page markup :type offer_markup: str :return: Available from or None if there is no information :rtype: str, None """ html_parser = BeautifulSoup(offer_markup, "html.parser") try: return html_parser.find(class_="dostepne_od").find(class_="dd").text.strip() except AttributeError: return
[docs]def get_additional_information(offer_markup): """ Searches for additional info and heating type :param offer_markup: Class "sidebar" from offer page markup :type offer_markup: str :return: Additional info with optional heating type :rtype: dict """ html_parser = BeautifulSoup(offer_markup, "html.parser").find(class_="description") additional_info = "".join([ part.strip() for i, part in enumerate(html_parser.text.split('Dodatkowe informacje')) if i == 1 ]) heating = html_parser.find('div', class_="typ_ogrzewania") return { 'heating': heating.find(class_="dd").text.strip() if heating else False, 'balcony': 'balkon' in additional_info, 'kitchen': 'kuchnia' in additional_info, 'terrace': 'taras' in additional_info, 'internet': 'internet' in additional_info, 'elevator': 'winda' in additional_info, 'car_parking': 'parkingowe' in additional_info, 'disabled_facilities': 'podjazd' in additional_info, 'mezzanine': 'antresola' in additional_info, 'basement': 'piwnica' in additional_info, 'duplex_apartment': 'dwupoziomowe' in additional_info, 'garden': 'ogródek' in additional_info, 'garage': 'garaż' in additional_info, 'cable_tv': 'kablówka' in additional_info }
[docs]def parse_description(description_markup): """ Searches for offer description :param description_markup: Class "ogl-description" from offer page markup :type description_markup: str :return: Offer description :rtype: str """ html_parser = BeautifulSoup(description_markup, "html.parser").text # \xa0 means no-break space symbol return html_parser.split("$(function")[0].replace(" ", "").replace("\n", " ").replace("\r", "") \ .replace(u'\xa0', u' ').strip()
[docs]def get_furnished(offer_markup): """ Searches if offer is marked as furnished or not :param offer_markup: Class "sidebar" from offer page markup :type offer_markup: str :return: Information is offer furnished :rtype: bool :except: If there is no information if offer is furnished it will return None """ html_parser = BeautifulSoup(offer_markup, "html.parser") try: furniture = html_parser.find(class_="umeblowane").text if "tak" in furniture: return True except AttributeError: return None return False
[docs]def parse_flat_data(offer_markup): """ Parses flat data from sidebar :param offer_markup: Class "sidebar" from offer page markup :type offer_markup: str :return: Information about price, deposit, floor, number of rooms, date of built and total count of floors in building :rtype: dict """ html_parser = BeautifulSoup(offer_markup, "html.parser") flat_data = {"pietro": None, "l_pokoi": None, "rok_budowy": None, "l_pieter": None, "cena": None, "kaucja": None} for element in list(flat_data.keys()): current = html_parser.find(class_=element) if current is not None: correct = current.text if "parter" in correct: correct = "0" flat_data[element] = int("".join(re.findall(r'\d+', correct))) return flat_data
[docs]def parse_poster_name(contact_markup): """ Parses poster name :param contact_markup: Class "contact-box" from offer page markup :type contact_markup: str :return: Poster name :rtype: str """ html_parser = BeautifulSoup(contact_markup, "html.parser") poster_name = html_parser.find(class_="name") if poster_name is not None: poster_name = poster_name.text.strip() else: poster_name = None return poster_name
[docs]def parse_offer(url): """ Parses data from offer page url :param url: Url of current offer page :type url: str :return: Dictionary with all offer details :rtype: dict :except: If there is no offer title anymore - offer got deleted. """ log.debug(url) response = get_content_for_url(url) if response is None: raise requests.HTTPError html_parser = BeautifulSoup(response.content, "html.parser") offer_content = str(html_parser.find(class_="title-wrap")) title = get_title(offer_content) if title is None: log.warning("Offer {0} is not available anymore.".format(url)) return images = get_img_url(str(html_parser.find(id="gallery"))) contact_content = str(html_parser.find(class_="contact-box")) date_details = str(html_parser.find(class_="ogl-info-wrap")) dates_id = parse_dates_and_id(date_details) description = parse_description(str(html_parser.find(class_="ogl-description"))) offer_content = str(html_parser.find(id="sidebar")) surface = get_surface(offer_content) flat_data = parse_flat_data(offer_content) address = parse_region(offer_content) return { "title": title, "offer_id": dates_id["id"], "type": get_apartment_type(offer_content), "address": address["address"], "voivodeship": address["voivodeship"], "city": address["city"], "district": address["district"], "price": flat_data["cena"], "currency": "PLN", "deposit": flat_data["kaucja"], "surface": surface, "price/surface": round(flat_data["cena"] / surface) if surface else None, "floor": flat_data["pietro"], "floor_count": flat_data["l_pieter"], "rooms": flat_data["l_pokoi"], "built_date": flat_data["rok_budowy"], "available_from": get_available_from(offer_content), "furniture": get_furnished(offer_content), "additional": get_additional_information(offer_content), "poster_name": parse_poster_name(contact_content), "date_added": dates_id["added"], "date_updated": dates_id["updated"], "date_added_readable": dt.datetime.fromtimestamp(dates_id["added"]).isoformat(), "date_updated_readable": dt.datetime.fromtimestamp(dates_id["updated"]).isoformat() if dates_id["updated"] else None, "url": url, "description": description, "images": images }